
  1. NPU-SYSTEMS LLC objectives in the field of industrial safety.
  2. NPU-SYSTEMS LLC management policy and business operations in the field of industrial safety.
  3. Obligations assumed by NPU-SYSTEMS LLC in order to achieve planned goals and to follow basic business principles in the field of industrial safety.

1. NPU-SYSTEMS LLC objectives in the field of industrial safety are:

  • to ensure the required level of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities so that the risks of accidents and injuries at these facilities are minimal and correspond to the level of development of the technology and equipment used; and to ensure the constant reduction of such risks;
  • to ensure the readiness of NPU-SYSTEMS LLC management and personnel, as well as rescue teams and squads,for actions on localization and elimination of consequences of possible accidents, fires and emergency situations;
  • to ensure the multi-level production control of the enterprise activity and corporate and internal audits performed toensure proper labor protection, industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, and fire safety at the facilities of NPU-SYSTEMS LLC;
  • to create such conditions (including methods of motivation) when each employee of NPU-SYSTEMS LLC is aware of and takes responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, having the right to stop and/or refuse to perform operations that threaten the life and health of themselves and others;
  • to ensure the improvement of working conditions and sanitary services for employees;
  • to establish healthy and safe working conditions for employees through the introduction of modern safety measures that prevent occupational injuries and ensure proper sanitary and hygienic conditions.

2. NPU-SYSTEMS LLC management policy and business operations in the field of industrial safety:

- to recognize and ensure the priority of life and health of the company's employees in relation to the results of production activities;

- to ensure the continuous operation and improvement of the industrial safety management system;

- to strive to make all employees of the enterprise understand that the compliance with industrial safety requirements is an integral part of their work.

3. Obligations assumed by NPU-SYSTEMS LLC in order to achieve planned goals and to follow basic business principles in the field of industrial safety:

NPU-SYSTEMS LLC understands its social responsibility in the field of industrial safety and provision of healthy and safe working conditions to its employees, and counts on its employees' understanding of complexity and scale of the tasks the enterprise faces in this regard.

No considerations of economic, technical or other nature can be taken into account if they contradict the need to ensure the safety of NPU-SYSTEMS LLC employees and the population living in the area of the enterprise activity.

Occupational safety is one of the priority values of NPU-SYSTEMS LLC, therefore it is considered as an integral part of the company's unified business system. This means that production efficiency is possible only if the conditions of labor safety are met; and vice versa: labor safety contributes to the growth of performance indicators. NPU-SYSTEMS LLC expresses confidence that its labor activity can be carried out without causing harm to life and health of its personnel, and hereby declares:

  • its obligations to ensure the observance of Federal Laws, enactments by the President of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as federal regulations and rules in the field of labor protection and industrial safety;
  • its obligations to reduce the risks of accidents at dangerous production objects located at the enterprise;
  • its obligations to ensure proper activities in the field of industrial safety and the management system concerning the industrial safety of all necessary resources (financial, human, material);
  • its obligations to decrease the indicators of accident rate, industrial injuries and occupational diseases;
  • its obligations to ensure proper conditions to make the production facilities ready for localization and liquidation of accidents, fires and emergency situations of natural or technogenic origin and their consequences;
  • its aspiration to ensure full compliance of all technological processes at the enterprise to industrial safety requirements;
  • its obligations to observe the priority of planning and implementation of the actions and measures directed to prevention of negative impact of production factors on the personnel and the general public;
  • its obligations to ensure the continuous improvement of industrial safety management system;
  • its obligations to train and consult the company's employees on the issues concerning industrial safety;
  • its obligations to provide financial and material resources necessary for the implementation of this policy;
  • its obligations to ensure any works at the enterprise are conducted by the organizations whose workers are certified according to the requirements of industrial safety to be followed when performing works at dangerous production facilities;
  • its obligations to require the contractors and suppliers (that perform any activities at the NPU-SYSTEMS LLC facilities) comply with the standards and norms in the field of industrial safety and labor protection adopted by NPU-SYSTEMS LLC.
  • its obligations to inform and maintain an open dialogue on activities in the field of industrial safety with all parties involved (general public; state supervisory authorities, etc.).