PU system is designed to fill cans with household construction foam by using dimethyl ether (DME) and hydrocarbon propellants (HCP) as propellants.



POLYSYSTEM 1005 two-component PU system is designed to fill cans with household construction foam by using dimethyl ether (DME) and hydrocarbon propellants (HCP) as propellants. Polyurethane foam (PU foam) obtained from aerosol cans is used for sealing and installing heat- and noise- insulation of joints, cracks and voids; as well as for the installation of parts when performing various construction and finishing works. PU foam is stable in size and demonstrates good adhesion to the majority of construction materials (concrete, brick, stone, wood, metal, glass).

Construction foam based on POLYSYSTEM 1005 components is designed to perform works at the temperatures ranging from + 5 to + 35 °C.
System description:

POLYSYSTEM 1005 Component A is a mixture of simple polyethers and functional additives.

Component B is polymeric diphenylmethanediisocyanate of low viscosity (PMDI/PIC: WannatePM-200, Desmodur44V20L, LupranateM20 S, VoranateM229, VoratecSD100 and their counterparts produced by other manufacturers).

Typical indicators:

Foaming parameters (mass ratio of Components A : B = 100 : 130)
Foaming conditions: stirring with a mixer for 10 s at a rotation speed of 3000 min-1. Temperature of components before foaming: (20 - 22) °C. Foaming characteristics may vary depending on the foaming conditions.

Typical properties of polymineral foam insulation based on POLYSYSTEM 1005 PU-system
Test conditions: temperature: 20 °C, humidity: 65 %

Recommended ratio:
Recommended ratios of components may vary depending on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the hydrocarbon propellant and the production conditions used by a particular consumer.

Recommendations for processing:

Filling aerosol cans with POLYSYSTEM 1005 PU-system is carried out on special equipment. Before processing, the components are thermostated up to (18 - 22) °C. It is essential that the cans undergo "shaking" (in a shaker) at the end of the process. The process of can-filling is performed according to the guidelines contained in the technical documentation (issued both for the equipment and the process of producing foam in aerosol packaging).

Tests (or use) of the finished product are done with at least 72 hours passing from the moment when the cans were filled.


TTNPU-007-2019 technical requirements. POLYSYSTEM 1005 polyurethane system.

Handling and storage

POLYSYSTEM 1005 Component A warranty period of storage is 6 months - when stored in a dry place in a hermetically sealed manufacturer's container at a temperature of (10 – 25) °C.

Component B warranty period and storage conditions - in accordance with the technical data provided by the manufacturer.
The POLYSYSTEM 1005 PU-system technical requirements and Component B safety passport are the guidelines for the transportation, storage, handling and safety of these materials. These documents are updated periodically. Ask manufacturers and/or suppliers for updated versions of relevant documents before using the PU-system. When working with the above-mentioned materials, it is necessary to pay attention to personnel health, to compliance with safety and health regulations, as well as to environment safety.

The information contained in this document is based on our current level of technical knowledge and experience. All information and technical support are provided (orally, in writing or in any other form) without any legal warranty or assurance and are subject to change without notice. Due to the large number of factors that may affect the processing and use of our materials, it is hereby understood that the processing facilities that use our materials, technical information or technical support assume a direct obligation to release us from any liability arising thereof. It is expressly agreed that processing facilities must mandatorily conduct their own testing and assessment of our materials' suitability for specific applications, including an assessment of the applicability of our materials in terms of their compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to industrial safety, occupational health and environmental protection. Any statement or recommendation that is not contained in this document is not authorized and does not put us under any kind of obligation. No provision of this document should be construed as recommending the use of any product or information in violation of any patent for the material or its use. Appropriately protected rights, including the rights of third parties, as well as existing laws and regulations must be observed by the purchaser of our products at their own responsibility.